Passover Matzos Advertisement in Portland, Oregon Newspaper, 1916

Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.


Times do change! This advertisement appeared in a Jewish newspaper on March 31, 1916. The back of the advertisement lists the first 4 months of the Jewish Calendar of 5677.

According to the Portland, Oregon-based Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., the swastika “meant brightness and prosperity” to the “Fathers [Native Americans].” The company used the emblem to signify “purity and quality.”

As a Navajo symbol, the swastika is known as the “whirling log,” “falling log,” or “swirling log,” and is still used in healing ceremonies. The symbol all but disappeared from Navajo artists’ wares after the 1930s, due to its unfortunate association with the Nazis.

Newspaper Adv. Portland, Oregon, March31, 1916.

Newspaper advertisement, Portland, Oregon, March 31, 1916